I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
Time is going faster, relationships are getting more complex, and the old paradigm is crumbling around us as we wait for the new. Emotional issues, health issues, and economic issues are all coming up to be healed, as we are bombarded with Light and Information for our bodies, minds, and spirits to assimilate. Globally, nationally, and personally, we are all going through slow, often painful and challenging changes, and sudden, big, unexpected changes! And sometimes it's hard to put our lives in the context of the bigger picture, and to understand how to cope or what to do next. (Read my Tunnel Vision Newsletter to get an overview of these transformational times and what each of us can do to make these changes easier.) Find out more, read testimonials or...
You deserve to reach the potential you came into this life to fulfill! You deserve to have the best life possible! We are really meant to have joy and success in our lives, and life was never meant to be a struggle. But it IS a struggle for many people. As an Intuitive Life Coach and 3-D Transformational Life Coach, I can help by offering insights into what is happening around us, why everything seems to be falling apart (it really is all to the good, even if we can't see that right away!), and the best way to ride the waves of change, rather than being dragged under by them!
I can give you a new perspective and advice about challenging situations you are facing, and help you discover and transform unresolved issues, unsupportive and outdated beliefs, and patterns of behavior that are stopping you from having the life you deserve. And as a practical mystic, I can give you not only an understanding of the Bigger Picture of what's going on "out there," but I also serve as a vibrational catalyst and provide tools that really work to bring about the kinds of shifts you want in your life! I can help you identify what you really want (rather than what others want for you), set up goals and a plan, and assist you in achieving that plan and creating your new, better life! Find out more, read testimonials or. . .
My classic Near-Death Experience in 1985 gave me new understandings into the human condition and the nature of the Universe. It also greatly expanded my intuitive abilities and my ability to access the wisdom of Home, my loving Guides, and my Higher Self for information. I have developed an ability to glimpse the deeper meanings—and the probable outcomes—of complex life situations, and I can often identify past-life issues presenting themselves in current situations. In the years since my NDE I have honed my intuitive skills and increased my wisdom by continuing a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical studies, as well as continuing my own self-healing. In the last 15 years I have also developed my skills as a mentor and teacher, sharing information and insights from my own experiences with a wide variety of audiences. You can listen to some of my radio interviews and watch my videos on my NDE Info pages. Find out more, read testimonials or . . .
My goal is to empower others, help them reach an understanding of their own magnificence, and learn how to find the answers within. I am particularly interested in helping people release the resistance, outmoded beliefs, and fears that keep them from achieving their full potential and living the life of their dreams.
Many are familiar with the expression "As above, so below." The companion expression is equally important: "As within, so without." I have learned that in order to change a situation in our lives, and certainly to "change" the attitudes and behaviors of other people in our lives, it is most effective to change ourselves. That is the only point of power. Sometimes the change is in our actions, and sometimes the change is in our attitudes, thoughts, or beliefs. As we change and release our negative (lower vibration) thoughts and beliefs, and as we move more into self-love, carry more unconditional love, and raise our own vibration, the people around us automatically change, as well, and we stop attracting those "negative" situations and people into our lives. In fact, the real key to creating a better life is to love ourselves MORE! That sounds strange, since most of us confuse self-love with selfishness, but in essence, we attract and manifest what we believe deep down we deserve!
Sessions tend to be 60-90 minutes and are held over the phone or Zoom. $125 for a 60–90-minute session. Special Note: I am neither Madame Sousatzka nor Dr. Freud! I do not do "psychic readings" or therapy! I am an excellent intuitive coach with many years of life experience who has picked up some tools and wisdom along the way that I can share (with help from the loving Guides)! As someone who has faced many challenges, I can share what I found to be helpful, and what wasn't helpful!
Use the Book a Session Now button below to schedule and purchase your session. Depending on the complexity of the issues being discussed, additional sessions may be desired. For ongoing, transformational 3-D Life Coaching, multi-session commitment packages are available at discounted rates. Contact me for information about discount packages. Read the FAQs below or read some testimonials.
No. While I do work with the help of the loving, wise guides I connected with during my Near-Death Experience, an Intuitive Life Coaching session is not a psychic reading. It is an interactive intuitive process, a discussion, during which I receive information from you, your guides, and my guides, and, based on that information and on my own decades of experience and study, I provide insights, perspective, recommendations, and tools that help you gain understandings and make desired shifts in your life. It is like talking things over with a wise, intuitive friend, who loves you and wants to help, who can see into those blind spots for you and tell you what's there.
My Intuitive Life Coaching sessions basically take the form of a conversation, on the phone or via Skype. We talk about what's going on in your life, what's working and what isn't, and what your concerns, fears, and confusions are. If you have a particular issue that you are grappling with, we focus on that. As we talk, I tune in to your energy field and feel into the dimensions and layers of the issue, and I get a feel about what's going on from a broader, more objective perspective. As we discuss this broader perspective, other insights come.
As a result, you get a new perspective on the issue and begin to see how the situation may be serving you on an unconscious level, what you can learn from it, and how you can effect change and move on. I can also help you clarify, on a very deep level, what you really want. I can help you identify how the situations or people in your life that are causing you anger, frustration, and pain, are serving as a mirror to show you places in yourself that may need to be addressed and healed, such as outworn beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors. And I can give you practical tools to help you make these changes.
Note that, due to time constraints, deeper insights can be provided over multiple sessions.
Sessions are held over the phone or Zoom. Payment is made in advance, using the Buy Now button, below, or through the Shop/Services page. At that time, you can select the appointment day/time.
"Ellyn's advice is always amazingly insightful and accurate. She has the ability to see through the layers of an issue to determine the best way to deal with it. Her advice is always right on and often something that would never occur to me. She is a GENIUS!" — M.O., Washington, DC.
"I always consult Ellyn when I am reviewing candidates for positions in my office and when I am dealing with other personnel issues. Her insights are amazingly accurate and invaluable! She has been a huge support for these and many other issues." — L.R., Maryland
"I was so DELIGHTED TO SPEAK WITH YOU!! I can simply feel your energy over the phone, it's like a giant massive whirlwind of love and knowing. . . KNOWING!" —Marianne, Michigan
"You touched me and made a difference at this [difficult] time in my life. Clarity and wisdom entered my emotions and lifted me up to a higher plane. I hope we can continue to share." —Patricia, New York