I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
Welcome to my newsletter, Tunnel Vision! I periodically share observations, musings, and tips—based on what I learned during and since my Near-Death Experience—on where we are in the Great Shift of the Ages, how the Shift is manifesting in our lives (basically: change, change, then more change!), and how to navigate the waves of change, rather than getting pulled under and dragged along the bottom kicking and screaming! (Been there; not pretty!) We need a different view of ourselves and each other, and we must remember Who We Really Are.
The easiest way for us to navigate this great transition and transformation is to examine everything... what we think we know, what we believe, who we think we are, and how we act... and let go of everything that is no longer working for us, supporting us, or true. If we don't let those things go, the Universe has a way of coming along and ripping them out of our hands or smacking us with the Cosmic 2x4! Letting go of judgments is a good first step. I hope you enjoy my musings in the current and archived issues.
In addition to writing my Tunnel Vision newsletter, I also have been invited since 2012 to submit articles for the annual Predictions issues of The Sedona Journal of Emergence. You can find them on my Sedona Journal Articles page, a sub-page under my Newsletters, etc. tab.
Click here to go directly to the latest issue of Tunnel Vision, or read the summary of the articles, below, first.
Overview of the Latest Issue
The Shift is Upon Us with Exploding Expectations—In the first six months of this momentous year, and especially the last 6-8 weeks, our expectations of normal processes and procedures have been thrown out the window, as we've been hit with shocking event after shocking event (thank you, Uranus)! Check out this (rather long!) article about what's going on and why, and how to deal with the escalating chaos of the next few months.
We are in the final clashing of the old and the new. It's going to be a wild, bumpy, tumultuous, chaotic year, and we all just have to keep our heads down; try to maintain our sanity amidst ever-increasing free-floating rage, anger, fear and anxiety (not to mention bizarre random gun violence); and try to maintain some semblance of peace while we move through it. If we work it right, we can find that peace and actually bring more love, joy, and success into our lives, even as the drama in the outer world swirls around us.
Find out more in the latest issue here.
Companion articles include:
What are these Energies that are Knocking Us Around?—Every year has important planetary transits and changing planetary energies, but 2024 has bigger and more impactful transits and energies than usual. Pluto has been testing the waters in Aquarius after 15 years dredging up all the corruption and broken systems and foundations in Capricorn. In its last degrees of Capricorn, Pluto sat, for the first time, on the same position where it was when the United States was founded, pushing us to review where we've ended up and where we might want to go as a country. In mid-July, we had a conjunction of Uranus (sudden, unexpected events) and Mars (anger, war, and aggression) sitting on the fixed star Algol (the demon or death star), bringing sudden, unexpected, explosive events that will continue through the end of the year. On top of that, we're in a Solar Max of the solar flares cycle. No wonder we all feel upside down and nauseated! Find out more about these energetic influences.
Get Active and Feel More Alive—No, this isn't an article about exercise! Since the pandemic, many people have been feeling lost, isolated, and stuck, and don't really know what to do about it. This is a great time in the U.S. to get out, get active, volunteer, and find like-minded people! And by the way... DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! The more we use the powers that we have, the more powerful we feel. The power of the vote is a power shared by everyone! Cherish it!
Check out the latest issue to find out more about how to flow with the changing energies while remaining empowered and optimistic!
Click on the blue dates, below, to access the full archived newsletter.
SPECIAL OVERVIEW ISSUE—The Great Shift and its astrological Underpinnings, such as the Great Uranus/Pluto Square affecting us since 2012 (and why it seems that everything is falling apart).
LATEST ISSUE—SUMMER 2024 - The Shift is Upon Us with Exploding Expectations
WINTER/OVERVIEW OF 2024: A Year of Everything on Steroids
FALL 2023 - Life is a Three-Ring Circus
WINTER 2023—As the World Churns
FALL 2022—Keep Calm and Carry On!
SUMMER 2022—Light at the End of the Tunnel
FALL 2021 AND PREVIEW 2022 — We're Not in Kansas Anymore!
WINTER 2021—The Shift Has Hit the Fan!
SUMMER 2020—That Vertigo You're Feeling is the Tipping Point!
EASTER/SPRING 2020—Keep the Faith, Baby! (A metaphysical perspective on COVID-19)
DECEMBER 2019—It's a New Day, a New Year, a New Decade... A New YOU! (The astrology driving the changes in 2020)
SPRING 2019—After An Awakening--What Then?
DECEMBER 2018—Change Your Story, Change Your Life
SUMMER 2018—The Summer of Our Discontent
SUMMER 2017—When the Shift Hits the Fan
FALL (ELECTION) 2016—Change is Upon Us! Now What? (aka The Great Metaphysical Test) and Let There be Peace on Earth, and Let it Begin with Me
SUMMER 2016—Dark Nights of the Soul—Resistance is Futile (that's good!) and
Time Flies When... er, Whenever!
MARCH/SPRING 2016—The Year of the Empowered Human? Why Not? and What Does Empowered Action Look Like?
DECEMBER 2015—Which One are You Feeding?
FALL 2015—Food Fights and Other Forms of Disrespect
SUMMER 2015—Why Does God Allow These Things? and Is it Spiritual to be an Activist? Or Better to Stay Above the "Fray"?
SPRING 2015—What Energy are You Living In? and Renewal and Rebirth—On Steroids!
JANUARY 2015—It's 2015—Are You "There" Yet? and Take that First Scary Step, and the Universe will Roll Out the Red Carpet for You
DECEMBER 2014—Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men
NOVEMBER 2014—Creating Your Own Reality—How's that Working for You?
SEPTEMBER 2014—Are We There Yet? (No.)
AUGUST 2014—Why Do We Sabotage Our Happiness??
JULY 2014—Why Can't We Get Them to Change??
MAY-JUNE 2014—Divine Feminine: Patience, Alignment & Divine Timing
APRIL 2014—Forgiveness is the Ultimate Act of Self-Love and The Next Step is Gratitude
MARCH 2014—Stop the World... I Want to Get Off!
FEBRUARY 2014—The Dark Side of Valentine's Day and Always Remember to Ask for Help!
JANUARY 2014—It's All a Game of "Make Believe"!
DECEMBER 2013—Peace on Earth, Peace, Goodwill Toward Men
NOVEMBER 2013—Remembering JFK and Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
OCTOBER 2013—Halloween, Death, and the Thinning of the Veils and Mercury Retrograde —That Transit We Love to Hate! https://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1411874715" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
SEPTEMBER 2013—Let Go or Be Dragged and What Can YOU Do to Make This Transformation Easier?