I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
I had a Near Death Experience and came back to tell you about it!
“It will be your turn to join this fight sooner than you think,” said the woman warrior riding the silver unicorn. And 13-year-old Frankie Maxwell takes it seriously—even though she knows it’s just a dream.
The thing is, that warrior in her dream looks disturbingly like Frankie’s Aunt Cassie, who’s been mysteriously ill for a long time. Frankie finds out that when her Dad says Cassie “isn’t all there,” he’s more right than he thinks, because she really isn’t all here! Part of her got stranded somewhere else—locked in a crystal on a parallel world in the shimmering city of Alaris—where she actually once rode a silver unicorn, just like in Frankie’s dream, and fought for her life against an evil warrior queen.
When Frankie plunges through a dimensional portal to Alaris, she is determined to find and retrieve the magic crystal holding those stranded pieces of Aunt Cassie, to make her aunt whole and well again. But she’s going to have to contend with another warrior queen, who rules the neighboring land and is trying desperately to find the door between worlds.
With only the help of a cranky unicorn, a wise woman, a wizard, and the queen’s niece, Frankie not only has to find her aunt’s crystal, but she has to find the key that will lock the door between worlds forever. (From the back cover.)
In this fantasy adventure for all ages, an insecure 13-year-old plunges through a portal to a parallel world where she must retrieve a special crystal to save her aunt's life and has to confront an evil warrior queen intent on conquering her own world and ours. Frankie's exciting adventure takes her on a journey of discovery, and along the way she finds herself. She learns about living, self-reliance, and trusting herself and the Universe. She also finds out she has many abilities that she never knew she had—abilities that most of us have, but we've never been taught about them and they lie there, dormant, waiting to be discovered. Frankie learns that believing in yourself is the key to life, but more important, she learns that love is the key... to everything!
This exciting quest adventure offers fundamental information, based on what Ellyn Dye learned during and after her Near Death Experience, about Who We Are and how life works on Planet Earth. If you march to your own drummer, have ever felt uncomfortable in your own skin, felt like you are different from other people and don't quite "belong," or have ever been called a misfit or accused of being "too sensitive," this book is especially for you!
". . . to label this book as a 'children's book' is a misnomer. Although seen through the eyes of the 13-year-old heroine, Frankie Maxwell, the lessons are universal.
. . .Their journey is spunky, thrilling, and fun to follow.
. . .This is a good read and a welcome treat for the holidays all ages will enjoy."
∼Sonia Subaran, Pathways Magazine, Winter 2009-2010
By Seadancer
This book is a delight. Not only does our spunky heroine have magical travels and experiences, she deepens her sense of self, learns about the world of relationship and connection, explores new ideas and concepts and most of all, integrates all this and grows and matures. Non-dogmatic spiritual principles are interwoven within this lively tale. The characters are engaging, alive and fully realized. Ellyn Dye has brought us a tale of adventure with depth and deep qualities.
By Owlhaven
This adventure fantasy has broad-based, universal values but is not preachy. It contains magic, but more than that- it's about courage and real coming-of-age soul growth that everyone can recognize. With some dry humor and uniquely imaginative other-world features, it translates the Law of Attraction into the realm of Story. I have worked in bookstores for many years, and rarely come across something I can recommend so highly.
By M. Beth (Iowa)
A modern day Wizard of Oz that helps us find ourselves. Like Frank Baum's classic, this is a book that can be read 10 different ways: for kids and adults, parents and children, teachers and students. Frankie's adventure leads her to herself with help from her friends. . . . as we can recall with Dorothy!
By Carmen
This story reminds us that there’s more going on in the Universe than meets the eye and that we are capable of much more than we realize. Everything really is energy and so are we. If you are tuned into energy, you’ll notice a wonderful healing energy when you pick up this book. This was my first fantasy novel and I really enjoyed it. It's an easy, fun and uplifting story and I devoured it in a couple of days.
By Kala
The book intriguing and entertaining, shares wisdom as an integral part of the story. An exciting adventure with a female heroine!
By Bob Coppes
This is a very well written and exciting book from a real storyteller. The events in the book develop on a fast track with unexpected turns that will keep your attention from the first till the last page. In addition, it has hilarious but correct views on how each of us acts and how we cope with other people. But most important, there is a lot of wisdom between the lines. This book deserves a lot of attention.
By Sherri Louise Cousart
This book is SO delightful, adventurous and riveting PLUS there are techniques in the book that we all could learn to explore that would enhance our own lives here on Earth! This book is empowering and I feel children would become empowered by it too! GREAT BOOK!!
By H. K. Whelan
I really enjoyed this book. I was reminded of the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia. It is truly a book for all ages and has been enjoyed by three generations of our family. I would highly recommend it to young adults especially and to younger readers interested in fantasy. Ellyn Dye has created characters who demonstrate good values while having fun and meeting new challenges.
By Sandy Robbins
Exciting and delightful fast fun read and journey. Love happy endings with a message to all... Find your own voice! We do have choices. Life is a gift- stay open.
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Blue Lion Press; 1st edition (August 15, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615235530
ISBN-13: 978-0615235530
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6 x 0.6 inches